
Welcome to my blog, random stuff about me and where I live, plus some bits about my jewellery.

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Monday, 31 May 2010

Treasury for Bank Holiday

I've never done one of these, I was inspired by the first person in it, this gorgeous cat family is one of my favourite pieces, click on the link to go to the shops

 I love these turquoise cats

Lovely cuddly feline, she has lots more in her store

Nice simple design and fair trade too

Finally a picture of my lovely Finn who we lost a couple of years ago, I've been looking at pictures of a kitten on someone else's site, getting that urge again!
I hope you like my choices, I only searched in  Dreamaid and MISI so maybe  I'll do a wider search next time.
I started working on some bits for the lace piece again last night, I've made a coil of copper wire; which I've melted and heat treated a bit, that echoes the pattern on the lace, not entirely sure what to do with it yet..........
If anyone has any suggestions for the next move please feel free, I may ignore you of course but I may not.

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