
Welcome to my blog, random stuff about me and where I live, plus some bits about my jewellery.

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Tuesday, 2 March 2010

blog trawling

Been having a bit of a trawl around the blogs using that 'next blog' button. There's an amazing variety out there from really bland to really exciting and interesting. Lots of quilters, that skill eludes me totally, even looking at a book makes me glaze over. I'm not a planned crafter, my work evolves as it goes, I start with a central stone or piece of glass and just start beading, the most I do as a plan is get all the appropriate colours and add the next row as seems appropriate. I suppose that means my work reflects my mood quite well. A classic example is this piece:
I actually had a drawing for this, but it was for a necklace! it took so long to do to this stage, plus it wouldn't curve as I wanted it to, so it became a bracelet and I made the silver shell button to finish it off. People seem to like it though so there you go!

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